Brand Expansion beyond Footwear & POS
The brief
“Switching gears” with Urban Drivestyle
New target groups & communities.
Storytelling for e-commerce & POS.
Street culture goes urban e-mobility.
The vision & result
A reference for Streetculture
Snipes is “more than a retailer”, because “Snipes knows”. The strategy in retail is clear: More relevance, more traffic, more sales. So storytelling beyond footwear and POS expands the brand to fully stay true to their idea to be the spirit of street culture. Stories like urban e-mobility are a good opportunity. We initiated a collab between the top streetculture retailer Snipes and the stylish e-bike brand Urban Drivestyle creating a memorable experience for its customers on street, online, and in top 30 Snipes Stores all over Europe.
The collab: a limited edition e-bike collection of two bike models designed by the Snipes & UD creative team: the stylish BMX bike “UDX” and the moped inspired “UNI MK”.
This special edition is presented on all Snipes channels: online, social and at approximately 30 selected key POS all over Europe: Paris, Barcelona, Naples, Vienna, Rotterdam, Cologne, Berlin, …
It is a reflection of urban mobility trends and Snipes’ positioning as a top street culture brand – beyond Sneakers and Retail.
We created a win-win-win for everyone with this cooperation. And Snipes and UD are writing a unique story to connect communities and gain traffic and relevance. #Fahrfreude
Private Label Optimisation & Campaign
Pure Online Player
Positioning & Omnichannel Experience
Digital Community Roadmap
Red Bull
Brand Franchise System
Calle de la Victoria 4, 1° 07001
Palma de Mallorca Spain
DE: +49 162 577 2587
ES: +34 871 115 957
ES: +34 644 388 100
Oliver Eckart | LinkedIn