Deep Sights – English

Deep Sights – English

DeepSights A Success Story with the first AI assistant for trusted market insights     The brief Go to Market, Brand Strategy and Client Acquisition DeepSights revolutionizes enterprise market understanding, making complex insights simple and actionable. The...
Deep Sights – English

Deep Sights – Deutsch

DeepSights Eine Success Story mit dem ersten KI Assistenten für Markt Insights     The brief Go-to-Market-Lösung, Markenstrategie und nachhaltige Kundengewinnung DeepSights revolutioniert das Verständnis des Unternehmensmarktes, indem komplexe Markteinblicke...

Rush Group – Deutsch

Rush Group Repositionierung von Trampolinparks: Eine 2bc-Erfolgsgeschichte mit Europas Trampolin-Unterhaltungskonzern Nummer 1     The brief Expansion, Innovation und Digitalisierung Die Rush Group, Europas Marktführer für Indoor-Trampolinparks, wollte sich...

Rush Group – English

Rush Group Repositioning Trampoline Parks: A 2bc Success Story with Europe's number 1 Trampolin entertainment group     The brief Expansion, innovation and going digital Rush Group, Europe’s market leader in indoor trampoline parks, planned to tackle...
Toggo English

Toggo English

Toggo Development of a cross-media brand within the RTL network     The brief Umbrella Branding beyond TV Development of the umbrella brand Toggo across TV, web, licensing, and content brands. Toggo became the leading kids platform brand in Germany until...